To mark 10 years of blogging on, I’ve categorised all the blogs into a table with broad and narrow themes. So take a browse through at your leisure and, excusing the rather basic formatting, with any luck you should find some interesting reads along the way. Here’s to the next 10 years!

GeneralJobs & CareersCVs & InterviewsNetworkingSelf
Welcome to Bioscience Careers (Nov11) Career preferences for PhD students (May12) Wordle your CV (Dec12) Doing more with LinkedIn (Sept14) Think ‘skill’ not ‘DPhil’ (Jan12)
Carpe PM (Dec11) Getting to professor (Oct13) Interviews: when coming 2nd
is no consolation (Apr13)
Sign of the times (Nov14) Mind your career (Jan15)
Research staff associations (July12) Do I stay or do I go? (Oct12) Strike your PhD from your CV? (May13) The invisible delegate. How to be at a conference without being there (July15) The skilled researcher (Apr15)
How satisfied are doctoral & postdoctoral researchers? (Sept13) Publish (by the rules) or perish (Dec13)
When & how to use personal profiles on your CV (July13)
Looking for a new job? Keep your acquaintances close (Dec16) I’m a scientist! [Don’t] get me out of here! (Nov15)
What’s the point of a postdoc? (Nov 13) Quantity vs Quality (Nov12) Success at interview. 7 Ps to the prize (March14) Abstract thinking (June16) Don’t plead for your career, take the lead
Professional & Personal career development (June14) Finding the ‘right’ career path (Jan13) Letter to the Christmas recruiter (Dec14) Academic mobility (Oct17) Decisions Decisions (Feb16)
Careers – the planned & the unplanned (Aug14) PhD currency outside of academia (March13) How to stand out in a crowded (academic) world (Aug15) Five PhD networking strategies (May18) Swotting up on your career (May16)
Your future in your hands (Jan16)

So you want to get into pharma (June13) Have you got your CV covered? (Dec15) Expose yourself! (June18) Are you a leading researcher? (July16)
Fluid career dynamics (Sept16) Want an academic career? Cultivate people & ideas (Feb14) How to be a STAR performer (Jan18) Social media … so shall I? (Nov 18) The right way? (Oct16)
Keep on keepin’ on Jan17)
An academic career – do you have the write skills? (Oct14)
Is your CV working? (Oct18) Communication & socialisation – a route to PhD salvation? (March19) Flying high (Feb17)
What’s guiding your career? (Apr17) Working in industry – scientific services (Feb15) 10 quick CV tips (May19) Academic mobility – the long and the short of it (Sept19)
Keep calm and career on! (May17)
Subjective career choices (Sept17)
Small companies, Big opportunities (Apr16) Speculate to accumulate (Oct20) Join the club! (Nov19) Do you feel lucky? (Aug17)
10 blogs to help you on your way (Nov17) Principal ways to become a principal investigator (June 16) Interviews – Prepare yourself (April 22) Networking to net a job (May20) Gifts differing (Dec17)
Employable you! (March 18)
10 ways to find your next job (Aug16)
Section and Match your CV (July 22)Get engaged! (July21) Career stories – what’s yours? (Feb18)
Change Talk (Sept18) Patently obvious careers (Nov16) E.G.s for CVs (Nov22)Group work (Aug21) Super investigator or super technician? (July18)
Reflections … (Dec18) The business of science (March 17) “Tell me about yourself” (Jan23)All present and connect (Oct21) Knowledge is power! (Aug18)
Beating the wintertime blues (Jan19) Science communication – telling it how it is! (July17) Transfer and translate (Feb24)Visible You! (Feb22)Fear for your career (Oct19)
Keep learning to keep earning (Feb19)
Medical Science Liaison role (Apr18)
“What’s your greatest weakness?” (Apr24)Learned friends (Aug23)The heart of the matter (Feb20)
Breaking good (Apr19) Unpaid work. Does it pay? (July19) Working friends (Nov23) The why, where and whom of your career (Apr20)
Keeping a perspective (June19) Doctorate vs Corporate (Sept20) Are you conference ready? (Jan24)
Do a ‘selfie’ to improve your self (June20)
Career success. What does it look like? (Aug19) Job entitlement (Dec20) Work Kind (Aug20)

New year, new career? (Dec19)

The business of knowledge (May21)

Career development – it’s personal (Jan 21)
2020 Vision (Jan20) Skills and Thrills (May 22)
Feel the fear and do it anyway (June21)

Desiderata: “Things desired” (March20)
Put your skills to work (June 22)Busy doing nothing (Dec21)

Steer your career (Nov20)
Tales of the unexpected (Aug 22)Stress relief (Jan22)

Reflections on a virtual year (March21)
Career Wordle (Feb23)Value added careers (Sept 22)

Hidden Talents (Sept21)
Action packed career planning (April23)Where do you fit in? (Oct22)
The why, how and whom of career success (March 22)It’s all academic (May23)Appreciate your career (Dec22)
BlogSB vs ChatGPT (March 23)
Post-postdoc. What’s next? (Sept23)Career development: Intentional vs Incidental (June23)
The hidden keys to academic success (Oct23) Changing places (July23)
Analyse You (Dec23)
Researcher Development (Mar24)