
The following list is the result of my own research to find relevant job sites that advertise jobs or provide information and support for PhD and postdoctoral researchers, who are in the process of job seeking or researching careers of interest.

It’s important to note that the list is not exhaustive and that Social Media, especially LinkedIn, also advertise jobs. Use the search facility and click on ‘jobs’ and also search for types of jobs and companies by clicking on ‘people’.

General job sites – also good for researching companies

Science jobs and funding


Jobs in Europe/Mobility

Postdoc jobs

Postdoc jobs in Europe

Academic positions

Euroscience biology jobs

German Academic Exchange Service Academic jobs EU

Academic and academic-related jobs (UK)

Jobs in Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Jobs in France and Germany

Academic career paths by country



New Scientist


Careers away from the bench

Career options for PhDs

Bioscience jobs

Recruitment agency, Adoc Talent Management (France)

Jobs in France – information


SRG Recruitment LinkedIn groups – search bio-companies

PhD Career stories

iCould career stories

Myscicareer stories

Subject-specific sectors

Biotechnology/clinical jobs

Biotechnology jobs – search membership list

Biomedical jobs (UK only)

Environmental jobs

Medical Science Liaison (jobs, advice and information)

Medical Science Liaison (information)

Plant science jobs ( you need to register on the site to access the job board)

Plant Science/botany jobs

Plant science discussion list (subscribe free of charge)

Contract Research Organisations

Pharmacology societies



Kelly Scientific Services Also sign up to scientific recruitment consultancies and agencies in your country View company websites


International postdoctoral fellowships (list from the Fogarty International Center)

List of funding sources (courtesy of John Hopkins University)

Funding sources

The art of grantsmanship (HFSP)

EMBO – Funding, training and mobility

European Research Council

Human Frontier Science Program

Marie Sklodowska Curie funding

Wellcome fellowships

National Institute of Health (NIH) funding

National Science Foundation

Policy and Funding information

Science-related jobs

Specialist and technical administration

European Commission Civil Service

European Union Gateway

EU Careers

Chartered patent attorneys

European Patent Office

US Patent and Trademark office

Regulatory Affairs Professional Society


Young Entrepreneurs in Science

Yes for Europe

YES Biotechnology

Next Big Step

Doctoral Entrepreneur stories


Once a Scientist

PhD to Consulting (LinkedIn group)

Strategic consulting (video)


Getting into Technology Transfer

Getting into Venture Capital

Working in Biotech Venture Capital

Clinical careers

Jobs in healthcare

CK Science

NHS clinical Careers

Environmental specific sectors

Environmental jobs

Rooting for a Career in Ecology


Environmental Data Services (ENDS)

Plant science jobs



PSCI-COM (discussion list)

Australian Science communicators

European Medical Writer’s Association

Medical Communication information

American Medical Writer’s Association

Medical science liaison

National Association of Science Writers

Association of British Science Writers

Society of Young Publishers

Book Careers





European Science Foundation

European Science Education Gateway


Association of Science – Technology Centres

British Science Association Café Scientifique

Science communication postgraduate courses (UK)

Policy& Public Affairs

AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships

European Commission

European Affairs jobsite

EMBO Science Policy

European Science Foundation

Sense about Science

Campaign for Science & Engineering (CaSE)

Royal Society of Biology

European Plant Science Organisation

Women in Science

Support organisations

Learned Societies (membership, grants & careers)

For a comprehensive up-to-date list go to:

Society for Experimental Biology

Federation of European Biochemical Societies

Biochemical Society

British Ecological Society

Royal Society of Biology

Royal Society of Chemistry

Developmental Biology

American Society of Plant Biologists

Societé Francais Ecologie

British Pharmacological Society (BPS)

Microbiology Society

Society for Endocrinology

American Physiological Society (APS)

The Physiological Society

Careers support organisations

CARE group (Careers Advice for Researchers in Europe) LinkedIn group

Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) (UK)

IndiaBioscience (India)

Association Bernard Gregory (France)

PostdocNL (The Netherlands)

National Postdoctoral Association (USA)


Vitae (UK)

Careers in Europe

Working overseas

Applications and personal development 

Assessment centres

Developing your career

Effective CVs

Applying for academic positions

Academic interviews

Social Media

Twitter for scientists Social media: a guide for researchers

LinkedIn groups relevant to your field of interest) 

Bioscience careers blog

Bio Careers

PhD career stories

Nature Careers blog

Laboratory webzine  Career stories

Biocareer-related Twitter accounts










Science careers  

Ali, L. and Graham, B. 2000. Moving on in Your Career – A Guide for Academic Researchers and Postgraduates. Routledge/Falmer.

Blackford, S. 2013. Career planning for research bioscientists. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Freedman, T. 2008.Careers opportunities in biotechnology and drug discovery. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

Newhouse, M. 1993. Outside the Ivory Tower – A guide for academics considering career alternatives. OCS/Harard University.

Persson, T. 202. The PhD Career Coaching Guide. Be so good they will hire you. 

Robbins-Roth, C. 2006. Alternative careers in science. Leaving the ivory tower. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Elsevier.

Tardelli, M. 2020. The Salmon Leap for PhDs: A transition from academia to industry.

Tardelli, M. 2023. Beyond academia. Stories and strategies for PhDs making the leap from academia to industry. 

Academic careers  

Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. and Tight, M. 1998. The Academic Career Handbook. Open University Press.

Boden, R., Epstein, D. and Kenway, J. 2006. Academic’s Support Kit. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Bodewits, K. 2017. You must be very intelligent. The PhD delusion. Springer.

Davidson C. and Ambrose S. 1994. The New Professors Handbook. Wiley Publishing.

Dee, P. 2006. Building a Successful Academic Career in Scientific Research. Cambridge University Press.

Delamont, S. and Atkinson, P. 2005. Successful Research Careers. Open University Press.

Elvidge, L., Spencely, C. and Williams, E. 2017. What every postdoc needs to know. London: World Scientific Publishing.

Gabrys, B.J. and Langdale, J.A. 2012. How to Succeed as a Scientist: From Postdoc to Professor. Cambridge University Press.

Goldsmith, J., Komlos. J. and Gold, P. 2001. Your Academic Career. Chicago University Press.

Ketteridge, S., Marshall, S. and Fry, H. 2002. The Effective Academic. London: Kogan Page.

Personal and professional development

Adams, D. and Sparrow, J. 2007. Enterprise for Life Scientists. Bloxham, UK: Scion Publishing Ltd.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 2006. Making the Right Moves – A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Post Docs and New Faculty. NY: Fireside, Simon and Schuster.

Levine, A.L. and Schmidt, B. 2015. Networking for nerds. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Applications and Interviews

AGCAS Special Interest booklet. 2007. Going for interviews. Graduate Prospects.

Corfield R. 1999. Preparing Your Own CV. London: Kogan Page.

Eggert, M. 1998. The perfect interview. Random House Business Books.

Jackson, T. 2004. The Perfect CV.  Piatkus Books Ltd.

Miller, R. 1998. Promoting yourself at Interview. Richmond, London: Trotman.

Shapiro, M. and Straw S. 1999. Tackling tough interview questions in a week. London: Hodder & Stoughton/Institute of Management.

Shavick, A. 2005. Management level psychometric and assessment tests. Oxford: How to books Ltd.

Tolley, H. and Wood, R. 2010. How to succeed at an assessment centre. London: Kogan Page.

Williams, L. 2005. The ultimate interview book. London: Kogan Page.

Yate, M.J. 2003. The Ultimate CV Book. London: Kogan Page.

Yate, M.J. 2008. Great answers to tough interview questions. London: Kogan Page.


Cargill, M. and  O’Connor, P.J. 2013. Writing Scientific Research articles. 2nd edition. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Day, R.A. and Gastel, B. 2006. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. 6th Ed. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.Kitchen, R. and Fuller, D. 2005. The Academic’s Guide to Publishing. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

McConnon, S. 2005. Presentation with Power. How to Books.

Shephard, K. 2005. Presenting at Conferences, Seminars and Meetings. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Thody, A. 2006. Writing and Presenting Research.  London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Peer Review

Hames, I. 2007. Peer Review and Manuscript Management in Scientific Journals: Guidelines for Good Practice. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Wager, E., Godlee, F. and Jefferson, T. 2002. How to Survive Peer Review. London: BMJ Books.

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